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CAPLA Student Technology Initiative

Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
36 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 19, at 11:59 PM MST
Project Owners

Student Tech & Materials Initiative

Introducing the CAPLA Student Tech and Materials Initiative: An Urgent Need for Students


At CAPLA, our students are facing a critical moment—returning for the Fall 2020 semester without access to the technology they need to succeed. We are asking for your support to help them bridge the gap by donating to the CAPLA Student Tech and Materials Initiative today.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many students to work remotely. For those without the required technology, who otherwise thrive in their study of the built environment, this is an impossible situation.

By supporting this fund, you will enable CAPLA to loan the necessary laptop computers and related technology for students to succeed in their required studio and other courses.

CAPLA student in Materials Lab

Can we count on you?


Historically, students without their own computers have utilized the CAPLA computer lab, the UA Libraries computer loan program, maybe a roommate’s computer or even a shared family computer. In the new, remote learning environment brought on by the pandemic that necessitates reduced access to materials and computer labs, it is critical that our students have access to their own single-use laptop capable of running our advanced software.

Your support will ensure that our students continue to succeed—now and far into the future.

To give by check, make it payable to UA Foundation with CAPLA Tech Initiative Crowdfunding in the memo line and mail it to: 

The University of Arizona Foundation, P.O. Box 210109 , Tucson, AZ, 85721-0109

Thank you, stay safe and Bear Down.

Professor with students


Choose a giving level


Printing, Plotters & Scanners

Oh My! Student work can be cost prohibitive. Support a student's printing costs.


In the Loop

Provide access for 23 students without internet with a hot spot



Help cover the cost of a drone for the Planning students


Keeping it Safe!

Cover the costs of lab jacket, gloves and helmet for one student


The Kitchen Sink

Many of our students have unique challenges and we aim to meet them all


Laptop Loaner LIbrary

Support a laptop loan program providing our students full access to a single use computer to ensure their access AND success.


The Prize

Cover the costs for materials for one student in studio

Our Crowdfunding Groups