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College of Medicine – Phoenix White Coat Scholarship Campaign 22

Raised toward our $30,000 Goal
66 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 30, at 11:59 PM MST
Project Owners

White Coat Scholarship Campaign Class of 2026

On Tuesday, July 5, 2022, we will welcome 120 exceptional students to our family at the University of Arizona, College of Medicine-Phoenix.

Each Class of 2026 member arrives with a dream: To improve health in their communities. To serve others. To make a difference.

Support for our White Coat Campaign will go directly to student scholarships.  Your gifts will make an impact on a student’s life!

Your generous gift to this year's White Coat Campaign lets these students know that they are part of a supportive community of alumni and friends who are equally passionate about improving lives and building healthier communities.

Welcome the Class of 2026 with a gift that says, "I believe in your dreams!" 

Choose a giving level



Recent grads & families, can you lend a helping hand to our new class? Gifts of all sizes make a difference.


Celebrate the New Class

Demonstrate your support for the incoming class of 120 students.


Reimagine Medicine

Make a med student’s journey a little easier with a gift equivalent to one day’s tuition.


The Future is Bright

Inspire an incoming student and make their dreams come true!


It’s All Here - Make it Real!

Honor the Class of 2026 in a major way and help our med students thrive.

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