Hygiene products - toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, lotion, body wash, shampoo and conditioner - for youth to use at camp.
Fruits and vegetables to use in daily interactive healthy snack instruction.
Art and craft supplies, items for our community garden, materials for education sessions and physical assessment materials for each child.
Provides each Camper with a t-shirt, water bottle, jump rope, Frisbee and basketball. Campers take the sports equipment home as incentives to stay active!
Appropriate footwear and socks, so each youth has a safe and comfortable experience during Camp's daily walks, exercises and activities.
Camp fee for one American Indian youth to attend camp at Camp Wamatochick in Prescott, AZ. This includes room and healthy meals for one week!
All camp fees, essential hygiene products, shoes and socks, t-shirt, sports equipment and supplies for a youth for the entirety of camp!
Thank you! You will be contributing to this year and also to NEXT year's camp.