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Indigenous Teacher Education Program (ITEP) 23 OLD PROJECT

Raised toward our $7,000 Goal
28 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 17, at 11:59 PM MST
Project Owners

Exceeding our goal by 139%! Thank you once again!

April 18, 2023

Hello ITEP community, 

This was our first year increasing to $7,000. Thank you to all our ITEP supporters. We did it once again in exceeding our annual ITEP Crowdfunding goal by 139%!  

To supporting and growing the number of Indigenous teachers serving our Indigenous communities, kiddos, and schools.

Mrs. Lomaomvaya, Spring 2018 ITEP graduate, sharing during the Spring 2023 Indigenous Education Gathering meeting at the University of Arizona College of Education, WOW Collections Center on Thursday, March 30, 2023. 


"...Indigenous teachers for our schools..." - Mr. Navenma

April 17, 2023

As you heard Mr. Navenma, "There is still time to contribute!"

We appreciate you Mr. Navenma for sharing thank you to our contributors and being the awesome teacher that you are back with your Nation!


Update and greeting from ITEP Candidate

April 17, 2023

Our current teacher candidates have been busy with classes and projects this past week. One of our outstanding candidates, Robyn, took time out of her day to share her message below:

"Hello, my name is Robyn Pete an I am an ITEP Teacher Candidate. Thank you for supporting our program! We have raised $4,708.00 and have met 67% of our goal this year! There are 6 hours left to donate to our ITEP Crowdfunding Campaign. Please donate and share with your community. Thank you so much!"

Supporting teachers like us! - Mr. Laughter

April 17, 2023

It is good to to hear from one of our Fall 2022 ITEP graduates, Mr. Laughter who is now teaching in in Northern Arizona, near home. 

We appreciate your contribution. This provides additional funding support to bring in Indigenous Elders and community knowledge holders. To priviliaging and promoting our Indigenous knowledges, values, and languages.

We have 6 hours left! Help us reach 100% of our goal by donating or sharing with others!

Hear from ITEP teacher candidate, Elodia Baltazar!

April 14, 2023

Thank you to our contributors! Help us reach 100% of our $7,000 ITEP Crowdfunding goal in the next 3 days! You may support our effort by donating today or sharing with your network. 

Have a beautiful day!

Kailee Adson, Spring 2023 ITEP Graduate - "Thank you to our contributors!"

April 07, 2023

Hear from Ms. Adson!

With in the first 16 hours!

April 04, 2023
Good morning ITEP Community!

We are off to a good start with our 2023 ITEP Crowdfunding campaign! We've reach $400 in the last 16 hours. Help us keep the momentum going by sharing and donating. Any amount you might donate with would be appreciated. Share and donate here,

ITEP is comprised of ITEP teacher candidate representing the tribal communities of Tohono O'odham, Pascua Yaqui Tribe (Yoeme), Hopi, Dine San Carlos Apache, and White Mountain Apache. We appreciate your continued support.

Choose a giving level


ITEP Candidates

A gift of $41 celebrates the number of ITEP candidates teaching in schools and communities serving a high population of Indigenous students.



A gift of $75 will add five Indigenous-authored books to the ITEP library.


Digital Literacies

The pandemic exposed digital inequities in teaching and learning. A gift of $100 will support ongoing opportunities for ITEP candidates to learn new technologies as they infuse digital literacies in classrooms.


Indigenous Knowledge Holders

A gift of $300 compensates Indigenous Elders and community members to share traditional knowledge, values, and language with ITEP candidates.


Native Nations

A gift of $574 recognizes the number of federally recognized Native nations in need of Indigenous educators for their youth.

Our Crowdfunding Groups