Focused on Community
Project FOCUS could not exist without the support of our community.
Professors, internship site supervisors, district partners, donors, and family and friends all play a key role in supporting Project FOCUS, the students, and our Peer mentors.
Students participate in all of the exciting activities that campus has to offer while in our program.
Students and peer mentors attend sporting events, check out the museums on campus, enjoy lunch together, and celebrate birthdays and other special events together.
Students develop their weekly Google Calendar with a staff member once a week. This is the opportunity to plan activities during the open times in their schedules.
Your contribution goes towards Zona zoo passes, technology, Peer Mentor salaries, and programs to develop modifications.
Project Focus students work at a variety of internships during their 2 years in the program.
Students work at sites that are geared toward their interests and long term goals post graduation.
Peer mentors support students at their work sites and provide individualized instruction.
Project FOCUS students also work on developing their professional portfolios. Students write resumes, create cover letters, develop a reference list, and begin to apply for jobs.
Your contribution supports student scholarships, Peer Mentor salaries, technology, and programs to develop visuals and modifications.
Project FOCUS students take six classes during their two years in the program. Students audit these classes, so modifications can be made to ensure that the material is accessible.
Students take classes that connect to their interests and their future goals.
Students attend these classes with a Peer Mentor. That Peer Mentor meets up with the student several hours out of the week to study and prepare for class.
Your contribution supports technology, Peer Mentor salaries, and programs to create modifications and visuals.
Project FOCUS could not exist without Peer Mentors. The dedication, enthusiasm, and creativity of our Peer Mentors creates a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for our students.
Peer Mentors earn 2 to 3 internship credits each semester through our program. Through their support on campus, our students access UA classes, work at their internship sites, and engage in social activities.
Peer Mentors model social expectations, work skills, study habits, and explore all that the U of a campus has to offer with our students.
Project FOCUS currently has 30 Peer Mentors from 10 different majors supporting students this semester.
Your contribution goes towards training materials, technology, campus life funds, and salaries for paid Peer Mentors.
Focused on Students
Project FOCUS students are 18-22 year old high school students who are duly enrolled as non-degree seeking U of A college students.
Project FOCUS students are supported by same aged peers while on campus.
Students attend college classes, work at internship sites, and hang out at social events.
Project FOCUS students are motivated to attend classes, study, build and follow a schedule, work at internship sites, explore and engage with campus, and hang out socially.
Project FOCUS students are fully included in the college experience on the UA Campus through the support of peer mentors, professors, site supervisors, district case managers, and Project FOCUS Staff.
Your contribution supports Project Focus Students through scholarships, technology, peer mentor salaries, and programs to develop visuals and modifications.