The University of Arizona Army ROTC program requests your financial support to send 30 Cadets to New Orleans between the dates of March 7-10, 2025.
The Requirement
All Military Science (Army ROTC) cadets must complete a battlefield Staff Ride during their senior year. This is a mandatory curriculum requirement from the US Army Cadet Command before a cadet is allowed to commission and serve in the Army as an officer. This year’s cohort selected New Orleans for the area’s War of 1812, Vicksburg and National World War II Museum sites to study prior to embarking on their service.
The Staff Ride
Cadets will conduct a program of study on the events leading up to and during the War of 1812 throughout the semester, with a battlefield tour of the Chalmette Battlefield site where Andrew Jackson fought. An additional day will be utilized to either visit the Vicksburg Civil War battlefield nearby or the National WWII Museum.
The Staff Ride portion itself will be conducted over a two-day period, with a day for travel on either end. Each cadet will be assigned specific topics beforehand and will lead a 10–15-minute overview and discussion on-site, thereby highlighting key events and lessons that can be applied to future military leadership.
Commander’s Intent
The cadets, and soon to be officers, will leave the Staff Ride with three main impressions:
Can our cadets count on you to support this important trip? Your philanthropic gift today will make an impact on these future officers! Please give today.