Your donation will process one Lantana DNA sample for sequencing: one more piece toward solving the puzzle of the invaders' origins! We will keep you posted on the project's progress and findings with regular updates.
With your donation, we can process two Lantana samples for sequencing: a sample from a weedy plant, together with a sample from a wild native plant. Comparing genomic fingerprints between two samples might reveal a match, which would be a big clue in finding the origins of the invaders! We will send you regular project updates to fill you in on our progress and findings.
We can process five samples thanks to your donation! This will allow us to detect patterns in genomic similarity between multiple Lantana populations, helping us trace the pedigree of relationships between the weeds and the native plants. We will keep you posted via updates. We will personally write to you to thank you for supporting us at this level, and give you a shoutout on our social media and research webpages!
You will fund ten samples, a tenth of the entire project! With genomic fingerprints for ten Lantana plants, we can reconstruct a pedigree linking invaders with their wild origins, and begin to assess statistical support for the relationships which emerge. To express our appreciation for this level of support, we will acknowledge you personally in the original research article publishing our findings. We will also cordially invite you to come and visit us in the Ecology and Evolutionary Department for a tour of our lab!