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2019 Collegiate Road Cycling Nationals

Raised toward our $4,500 Goal
41 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 19, at 11:59 PM MST
Project Owners

Team had a STELLAR Nationals

May 14, 2019

This past weekend the team raced in the 2019 USA Cycling Collegiate National Championships and brought home an impressive medal haul:

  • Women’s TTT: 5th
  • Women’s RR (Cara O'Neill): 1st
  • Women’s crit (Cara O'Neill): 2nd
  • Women’s individual omnium (Cara O'Neill): 1st (by ONE point!) 
  • Men’s TTT: 4th 
  • Team omnium: 4th

If you are in town, we hope you can join us at the Mercado San Augustin Annex from 6-8 pm to celebrate our successes! More info here:


We could not have completed this awesome trip and brought home TWO gold medals without your support! From all of us, THANK YOU! 

Thank you!

April 22, 2019

A massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our campaign- we knocked it out of the park! Racing starts on 5/10 with the team time trials, and we'll be posting updates on our FB page:


as well as on Twitter and Instagram: @uacycling


Stay tuned and BEAR DOWN! 

We did it!

April 01, 2019

Thanks to your support, we hit our goal in just one week! We're five weeks out from the races and motivated more than ever! It's a tricky time of the semester with exams, projects, and more going on.  We can rest easy knowing that we can start booking lodging and other logistics early and save a bit of cash.


But! We're not done with the fundraiser yet. We decide to do a stretch goal and continue raising funds for our other national championships that we attend throughout the year. Anything raising above and beyond the initial goal will be used for sending ridings to mountain, cyclocross, and hopefully track and BMX nationals! 


Bear Down!

Over halfway there!

March 26, 2019

WOW! The support we've received the last 24 hours has been incredible, and we can't believe we've cleared $2,100 in such a short time! Having a community this excited adds fuel to the fire- we are pumped to represent you, the school, and our state. Keep liking and sharing the link to the project- let's knock this one out of the park! 


Onward and upward! 

Choose a giving level



(swʌnˈjə)/ noun / Definition in English: In cycling, a person who gives nutrition, massage, and other assistance to a team, especially during a race. A $20 gift provides a full day of meals for one rider (36 needed). You’ll receive: a thank you letter plus your name listed on the website and e-mail updates.



/məˈkanik/ noun / Definition in English: In cycling, the mechanic is the unsung hero of the team. Steeped with mechanical knowledge and prepared with every tool under the sun, the mechanic works long hours to keep the racer's machines in top shape. A $53 gift ensures our bikes are in tip-top racing shop! (9 needed). You’ll receive: the above, plus a signed team photo. (53 is also the size of the outer chainring on our bikes!)



/dɔ.mɛs.tik/ noun / Definition in English: the domestique is the loyal teammate- willing to sacrifice their own success for the good of the team. A $75 gift covers one rider's entry fee. The more we have in a race, the better we can support our team leaders! (26 needed- 9 in the road race; 8 in the crit; 8 for the time trial; 1 for the ITT). You’ll receive: all the above, plus an invite to join the team for coffee to hear about the race.


Directeur Sportif

/diʁɛktœʁ spɔʁ.tif/ noun / Definition in English: The directeur sportif (sports director) coordinates all aspects of the team- travel, lodging and race tactics. The directors make the team run like a well-oiled machine. $125 covers one night of lodging (3 needed). You’ll receive: all the above, plus an invite to dinner with the team after the race weekend to celebrate our success!


Team Champion

Definition in English: The team champion is who the domestiques ride in support of and they are the one with the best chances of winning the race. $200 will get us part of the way to Augusta, GA with gas and rental fees (4 needed)! You’ll receive: all the above, plus an invite to join the team on a group ride after the race weekend.

Our Crowdfunding Groups