Help provide scholarships – and inspiration – to local high school students seeking to get an early start to their college education by earning University of Arizona (UA) credit.
Students at Cholla High School are currently enrolled in a year-long high school elective, Introduction to the Middle East, which is sponsored and staffed by the UA Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Some of the highest achieving students, mostly minority and first-generation college students, hope to receive three university credits in Middle Eastern History for their work. The course will fulfill a general education Tier II requirement at the UA and is transferable to other state/national universities.
Early Start's goal is twofold; to help expose bright students to a college education and to help make a UA education more accessible in the local community. Even though the UA has drastically lowered the tuition rate for the class to $475 for 3 credits, the cost is still prohibitive for many Cholla students. Your assistance would help these bright young people to realize their aptitude for higher education and help kick off their college careers.
In the picture above: two students who took the class for UA credit last year – after they won 2nd place – and advanced to the national competition – in the National History Day Arizona state finals.
The goal is to fundraise scholarships for 25 students to get UA credit for the successful completion of the course in Spring 2018.
Your support for their college dreams will be the first step on their road to success.
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You'll receive recognition on our webpage and a thank you from the members of our team!
Remember your first college class? Your gift funds one credit hour of tuition for a student.
Completely funds a Cholla High School student's tuition for the 3 unit course. A donor at this level will be recognized at a scholarship reception for the students and their families.